今天在老人與蘋果上看到Google與三星合作的那隻Galaxy Nexus不支援外部記憶卡,並引用了Google家Android工程師Dan Morrill 的話,提到…
There's no particular hardware reason a device can't have both. The problem is that there is no good UI for it.
One of the core Android principles is that you never need a file manager Ever.
這句話好諷刺!!!我從來不知道Android原則是這樣,我第一天用Android就知道要用file manager耶!
We wanted to avoid the obnoxious "sneeze and a file picker appears" syndrome of basically every other OS. Local data that apps know how to handle should just be magically available within the apps, or stored in the cloud. You shouldn't have to go spelunking(洞穴) on your SD card to find data.(你實在是不應該/需要在記憶卡裡像是洞穴探險般的找資料……早說嘛~~~)
We got tired of seeing OEMs include many GB of internal storage for music, while users were still running out of space for apps and data. This approach lets us merge everything on one volume, which is way better.
Well,早就說了嘛!一般使用者根本連資料夾長怎樣都不知道,工程師久沒有同一台電腦都不一定記得檔案放在哪了,更何況是一般使用者呢? 建議Google就在Powered by Google的機器條款裡加上不可以有外部記憶卡的項目,根本終結這些可笑的問題!
關於究竟把一內一外兩個記憶體空間改成只有一個內部空間的好處是什麼?Dan Morrill 是說: