
How Google decide who stay and who leave?

最近Google的風評不佳,繼決定關閉Google Reader之後,推出一類似Evernote的筆記服務Keep,更讓我感到賭爛!


如果你想要做筆記服務,就把之前的Google Notebook留下來,再協助用戶轉換到新的Keep,特別是資料!為何關閉Notebook,此時又開了一個Keep?

當初關閉Notebook只幫你把資料一股腦全丟到Google Doc(又改名為Drive),很多費心搜集的資料就此就毀了。少了原本的尋找方式,存取方式,再有價值的內容都不好用!




這不就是Google Plus的模式?我不認識這位James Whittaker,但看了他的Why I Left Google後更是讓我驚覺到Google真的是有了不同的做事模式了!


The Google I was passionate about was a technology company that empowered its employees to innovate. The Google I left was an advertising company with a single corporate-mandated focus.

It turns out that there was one place where the Google innovation machine faltered and that one place mattered a lot: competing with Facebook.

Officially, Google declared that “sharing is broken on the web” and nothing but the full force of our collective minds around Google+ could fix it.

As it turned out, sharing was not broken. Sharing was working fine and dandy, Google just wasn’t part of it. People were sharing all around us and seemed quite happy. A user exodus from Facebook never materialized. I couldn’t even get my own teenage daughter to look at Google+ twice, “social isn’t a product,” she told me after I gave her a demo, “social is people and the people are on Facebook.” Google was the rich kid who, after having discovered he wasn’t invited to the party, built his own party in retaliation. The fact that no one came to Google’s party became the elephant in the room.


The old Google made a fortune on ads because they had good content. It was like TV used to be: make the best show and you get the most ad revenue from commercials. The new Google seems more focused on the commercials themselves. 


